


賴 昱達
職稱 副教授
姓名 賴 昱達
聯絡電話 校內分機55052
電子郵件 yudalai@mail.ntue.edu.tw
職稱 副教授
研究專長 心理語言學(語句處理、詞彙存取歷程)認知語言學(認知語言學應用於外語教學)
授課領域 英語語言學理論與研究(碩)、心理語言學(碩)、認知語言學與外語教學研究(碩)、英語語音學理論與實踐(碩)、英語語言學概論(大學部)、英語語音學(大學部)、寫作(大學部)
Office Hour Tue. 15:00-17:00 
Wed. 15:30-17:30 or by appointment
相關連結 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8224-3086
最高學歷 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系語言學組 博士
年度 論文名稱
2022 Sato, Takeshi, Lai, Yu-Da, & Burden, Tyler, L2 vocabulary learning with animated aids -Do learner factors affect L2 production with figurative expressions?, Ampersand (SCOPUS), 9, http://10.1016/j.amper.2022.100100
2022 Sato, Takeshi, Lai, Yu-Da, & Burden, Tyler, The role of individual factors in L2 vocabulary learning with cognitive-linguistics-based static and dynamic visual aids, ReCALL (SSCI), 34, 2, pp201-217
2021 Lai, Yu-Da, Sato, Takeshi, & Burden, Tyler, Impact of instruction explicitness, cognitive learning style, and modality on the effectiveness of cognitive linguistics-based visual aids for teaching prepositions in Taiwanese EFL classrooms, English Teaching & Learning (THCI Core), 45, pp45-69
2015 Lai, Yu-Da, Yang, Li-Chin, & Yang, Yi-Chun Christine, Relation between instruction explicitness and effects of metaphor awareness enhancement on vocabulary reception and production by Taiwanese EFL learners with different cognitive processing styles, Providence Forum: Language and Humanity (THCI, Level 3), 9, 1, pp97-134
2015 Yang, Yi-Chun Christine, Huang, Li-Jung, Lai, Yu-Da, Self-assessment, noticing, and EFL oral ability, Providence Forum: Language and Humanity (THCI, Level 3), 9, 1, pp209-242
2014 Lai, Yu-Da, Roles of lexical aspect and narrative structure in early tense- aspect system of L2 English: A new perspective from cognitive linguistics, English Teaching & Learning (THCI Core), 38, 2, pp65-103
2012 Lai, Yu-Da & Myers, James, The recognition of spoken mono-morphemic compounds in Chinese, Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (THCI Core), 10, 2, pp41-88
2011 Lai, Yu-Da, A cognitive linguistics approach to language teaching: Processing Instruction of iconicity in EFL classrooms, English Teaching & Learning (THCI Core), 35, 4, pp43-90
2011 Yang, Li-Chin, & Lai, Yu-Da, How do Chinese learners of English handle the future tense and aspect?, MingDao Journal, 7, 3, pp17-36
2010 Yang, Li-Chin & Lai, Yuda, Which camp are you in: A study on the language choice in two major call-in TV talk shows in Taiwan, MingDao Journal, 6, 3, pp3-18
2009 Lai, Yu-Da & Yang, Li-Chin, Iconicity and arbitrariness in Taiwan Sign Language: A psycholinguistic account, MingDao Journal, 5, 2, pp159-187
2009 Lin, Su-Yen, Su, Cheng-Chao, Lai, Yu-Da, Yang, Li-Chin, & Hsieh, Shu-Kai, Assessing text readability using hierarchical lexical relations retrieved from WordNet, International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (THCI Core), 14, 1, pp45-84
2008 Lai, Yu-Da & Yang, Li-Chin , Revisiting the syntactic status of le in Chinese NP-le construction, MingDao Journal of General Education, 4, pp43-65
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2023 英文閱讀寫作整合與線上跨文化同儕合作學習計畫(教育部教學實踐研究計畫:PGE11201139) 楊立勤;賴昱達 共同主持人 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 教育部
2021 110學年度學科能力測驗(學測)-英文科 賴昱達 協同主持人 2021.01 ~ 2021.02 大學入學考試中心
2020 認知語言學為基礎之單字學習法:語音表義知識的精緻化程序於英語字彙的學習成效兼談個體變項與多媒體註解所扮演的角色 (MOST109-2410-H-126-019-) 賴昱達 計畫主持人 2020.08 ~ 2022.07 國科會
2020 109學年度學科能力測驗(學測)-英文科 賴昱達 協同主持人 2020.02 ~ 2020.02 大學入學考試中心
2017 The Effects of Metaphoric Competence on Learner’s Comprehension and Production of English Present/Past Tense and of Tense Choice in Indirect Speech (MOST106-2410-H-037-005) 楊立勤、賴昱達 共同主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 國科會
2017 106年度基礎語文及多元文化能力培育計畫-多元文化語境之英文學習革新活動計畫(B類):106年度多元文化語境之英文學習: 翻轉吧,阿譯2.0!中英翻譯工作坊 (MOE-106-2-3-006) 吳蕚洲, 許靜瑛, 黃麗蓉, 陳薆華, 游明正, 賴昱達 共同主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.02 教育部
2016 105年度基礎語文及多元文化能力培育計畫-多元文化語境之英文學習革新活動計畫(B類):105年度多元文化語境之英文學習: 翻轉吧,阿譯!中英翻譯工作坊 (MOE-105-2-3-036) 吳蕚洲, 黃麗蓉, 陳薆華, 游明正, 賴昱達 共同主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.02 教育部
2014 When Cognitive Linguistics Meets Language Teaching (II): Constructive Cognitive Linguistics-based Processing Instruction on Mass-count Noun, Aspectual Use, and Grounding in Narrative Writing in High School and College EFL Classrooms in Taiwan (MOST103-2410-H-126-021) 賴昱達 計畫主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 國科會
2013 When Cognitive Linguistics Meets Language Teaching: A Study of Teaching Effectiveness of Cognitive Linguistics-based Processing Instruction in High School and College EFL Classrooms in Taiwan (NSC 102-2410-H-126 -012) 賴昱達 計畫主持人 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 國科會
2012 教學卓越計畫(D1c橋接世界寰宇學習)「靜宜大學原文書教學精進計畫」 賴昱達 教材研究小組執行長 2023.03 ~ 2023.03  

