


陳 湄涵
職稱 副教授
姓名 陳 湄涵
聯絡電話 校內分機55218
電子郵件 jenny@tea.ntue.edu.tw
職稱 副教授
研究專長 語言、讀寫能力、科技,雙語教育
授課領域 英語教學活動設計、聽講練習、英語會話、英文(一)(二)、兒童發展、英語教學觀摩與試教、英語教學實習、國民小學教學實習(一)(二)、兒童英語教材教具研發製做、口語訓練、英語聽說教學
最高學歷 Ed. D. Teachers College, Columbia University
Chen, I. J. (2020). Music as a mnemonic device for foreign vocabulary learning. English Teaching & Learning, 44(4), 377-395. (THCI)

楊惠穎(Yang, H. Y.)& 陳湄涵(Chen, I. J.)。(2016)。心智圖對於國小高年級學童英語繪本字彙與閱讀理解能力之效益研究[A Study on the Benefit of the Mind mapping on English Picture Book Reading Comprehension of Fifth Grade Elementary School]。靜宜語文論叢[Providence Forum Language and Humanities]10(1),43-70。(THCI)

He, T. H., Gou, W. J., Chien, Y. C., Chen, I. S. J., & Chang, S. M. (2013). Multi-faceted Rasch measurement and bias patterns in EFL writing performance assessment. Psychological Reports, 112(2), 469-485. (SSCI)

陳雅惠(Chen, Y. H.)& 陳湄涵(Chen, I. J.)。(2008)。讀者劇場教學對英語朗讀流暢度之影響[The benchmark of teaching performance for Taiwan elementary school teachers]。國民教育[Elementary Education]48(5),84-91。
Chien, J., Chen, C.F., Chyuan, M. Chen, J., & Jose, M. (2021). Scientific Literacy and CLIL [Conference presentation]. EVO: Electronic Village Online 2021.

Chen, I. J. (2007). Impact of all-English teaching in university English listening course. The 16th International Symposium & Book Fair on English Teaching: English language teaching, learning and assessment. November 9-11, 2007. Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, I. J. (2007). Juxtaposition of traditional and digital literacy practices in preschool classrooms. The 2007 International joint Conference of e-CASE, e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education. August 15-17, 2007. Harbour Plaza, Hong Kong, China.

Chen, I. J. (2007). Teaching English with traditional Chinese folktales. The 8th International Conference on Applied English Human Resources Training [第八屆實用英語人才培育國際研討會]. May 12, 2007. Nanya Institute of Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Chen, I. J. (2007). Study of inter-disciplinary literacy activities in Kindergarten EFL classrooms. The 2nd International Conference on English Education. April 28-29, 2007. Shih-Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chen, I. J. (2006). Case studies of literacy practices in three English immersion preschools in Taiwan. The 23rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China (ROC-TEFL). May 27, 2006. Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.

Huang, P. & Chen, I. J. (2005). Using process drama to speed children's English acquisition. Taiwan-Australia TESOL Seminar 2005. September 30, 2005. Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
陳湄涵(Chen, I. J.)。(2020)。圖畫書在外語教學與學習的 角色與應用:理論與實踐[Connecting theory and practice: The role and use of picturebooks in foreign language teaching and learning]。In 陳湄涵等(Chen, I. J. et. al.)(Eds.),全方位英語文教學[A comprehensive TEFL manual](pp. 11-62)。台北市:五南出版社。

Chen, I. J. (2009). Emerging literacy: Case studies of literacy practices in three English immersion preschools in Taiwan. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag.
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Teachers College, New York, NY
Doctor of Education (February 2006)
Master of Education (May 2000)
International Education and Development: Language, Literacy, and Technology

STANFORD UNIVERSITY, School of Education, Stanford, CA
Master of Arts (July 1999)
International and Comparative Education

CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, School of Architecture, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Architecture (December 1997)
Double Major: Architecture and Social History
Minor: Architecture History
Study Abroad: YUNNAN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, China (Summer 1997)

NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY, School of Management, Taipei, Taiwan
Master of Business Administration (July 2010)
Executive Master of Business Administration Program